Dear Magnus Bane

Dear Magnus Bane,

I am a huge admirer. Ever since I started reading about you in City Of Bones, you are my ultimate idol. It was only after I read the Bane Chronicles that I truly appreciated what you went through to the people who you loved.

You are an immortal warlock. An outcast, sometimes. What I love about you is the fact that you have a very kind heart, no matter what anyone says, what anyone does. You’ve helped people out of kindness and that’s not an easy thing to do. You still get picked on, but you don’t give up. You have lost many loved ones, but you still never give up on love. You respect people and beings of all kinds. You never look down upon anyone. I learned to respect, love and accept myself. You have made mistakes but you have learned from them and have forgiven people for their mistakes, no matter how big.

If I was immortal in your world, I’d like to be your best friend and travel all over the world and make new friends and fall in love and break my heart and heal with alcohol and learn and experience amazing things.

Most of all, I’d learn to let go of my fears.


Parinitha P

P.S. It is because of you that I love glitter so much!

The Wanderer

Tell us about the top five places you’ve always wanted to visit.

  1. South Africa: I’ve always wanted to visit SA because of the cricket players there. My very first serious celebrity crushes were from the South African cricket team. They’re tall, lanky and dorky. And some of my recent fantasies were all set there. I believe that it is an amazing place with a variety of people and beautiful scenery and wildlife and that excites me.


2. Australia Now, who wouldn’t want to go to Australia?


3. Europe: Specifically, Italy, France, Greece and the UK. I want to got to Italy and France for the food, Greece for the history and architecture and UK, for going to all places mentioned in all of Sophie Kinsella’s books and the Blackfrairs Bridge (for all the feels). And of course, who’s to say I won’t enjoy the view? 😉

4. Hoover Dam and NYC: Again, all the feels and the memories and the love the characters have for the city.

5. India: I know, I live here, but I want to see the whole of her, read about her and love her more.





Young At Heart

What are your thoughts on aging? How will you stay young at heart as you get older?

I will be turning 19 in a day’s time and I don’t feel 19. I feel 10.

Maybe younger.

When the time comes to grow up, Smriti says, we will. When the situations want us to. But until then, let’s be 10.

Best Time

Are you a night owl or are you the early bird? What’s your most productive time of day? When do you do your best work?

Undoubtedly a night-owl.

When everyone’s asleep, I like to work/study in silence. It gives me time to think and do all the things that’s been pending.

Also, I’m a lazy ass who doesn’t like to wake up early.

Fearless Fantasies

How would your life be different if you were incapable of feeling fear? Would your life be better or worse than it is now?


A world where I am incapable of feeling fear. It would be a dream come true. I would go hiking. I would go mountain climbing. I would learn to swim in a river or a creek and I would learn to ride a cycle. I would even consider bungee jumping and performing poetry slam, over and over again.

And I wouldn’t hesitate to tell him that I like him.

A world where I am incapable of feeling fear. I wouldn’t know the meaning of respect. I would lose all the people I love. I would lose the sensation of feeling love. I would be a very bad person, not hesitating to bad mouth at every given chance.

I wouldn’t want it.


Roaring Laughter

What was the last thing that gave you a real, authentic, tearful, hearty belly laugh? Why was it so funny?

We were in the PG canteen of our college, a few weeks ago. We sat in one of the long benches, five of us on wither side, with extra chairs at one end. An hour ago, we were watching the video of our ethnic day’s “music evening”, of us dancing. And who was there at the right time? Our very own Archana.

We laughed for a whole hour straight. Archana imitated every single one of us, at least two times, and each time we laughed harder than the last. The video itself wasn’t that funny, but she made everything funny.

By the end of our lunch break, we were wiping our eyes and holding our stomachs tight and leaning front or into someone so as to not fall off the bench.

Second Time Around

Tell us about a book you can read again and again without getting bored — what is it that speaks to you?

“What is the use of a good book if it read only once?” ~ A great person*

I have read at least 50% of the books that I own, twice. I don’t know why. Many of the book are the ones that I bought when I was a child. I think it’s because it reminds of how being a child was happy place to be.

Either that or they don’t make books as good as they did.


*Please forgive me for the humongous mistake in the quote. Feel free to correct it.  


Here is a list of things that bore me:

  1. Reality TV shows.
  2. Too much of description in a book with little dialogue.
  3. People talking about mainstream TV shows *cough* GoT *cough*
  4. Chemistry
  5. Books/movies with not enough humor in them
  6. Waiting without a book or a phone.
  7. The new Tinkle
  8. Reading too many serious articles

As you can see, I don’t have that huge a list. I’d like to think of myself as someone who finds something to do and finds things interesting even in the most boring times.

Can’t Stand Me

What do you find more unbearable: watching a video of yourself, or listening to a recording of your voice? Why?

Both of them equally unbearable. Only, listening to a recording of me is much worse. Especially when I have to do it every week.

The thing about a video of myself is that I can laugh about when I see myself in the video. My actions are sometimes funny and so are my words. But I can’t do that in a voice recording and I just sound so, so terrible that I wouldn’t want to talk to people ever again.


What is your worst quality?

Sometimes I’m over confident. Other times I’m insecure. There’s never in between.

My worst quality is that I don’t know how to find a balance between head and heart, college and writing/blogging, friends and family. I’ve tried figuring it out but it’s just so hard!